
Biological Data as a Strategic Asset

B Biological Data as a Strategic Asset Biological data are the foundation of biotechnology innovation. Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) are being used to extract useful insights from biological datasets to better design and use biotechnology products. However, strategic competitors and military adversaries could also use biological data in ways that threaten U.S. national […]

Biomanufacturing 101

Biomanufacturing 101 One of the most profound effects of the emerging biotechnology industry is the creation of new opportunities for bioproduction, or the use of biological systems to create clinical and commercial products. Download

Policy Options to Promote Biotechnology in the Defense and Intelligence Communities

Policy Options to Promote Biotechnology in the Defense and Intelligence Communities Emerging biotechnology has clear national security applications. We can imagine a future in which our war-fighters are fed, fueled, equipped, protected, treated, and healed, all thanks in part to biotechnology. We can also imagine a future where biotechnology can be used to promote American […]

DNA: Reading, Writing, and Editing

DNA: Reading, Writing, and Editing DNA, the building block of life, is at the center of groundbreaking advancements, from gene therapies for sickle cell anemia to breakthroughs in agriculture and biomanufacturing. Understanding DNA empowers us all to participate in the responsible governance and ethical use of these life-changing technologies. Download

Bioliteracy for the Age of Biology

Bioliteracy for the Age of Biology “Bioliteracy” is the concept of imbuing people, personnel, or teams with an understanding of — and ability to engage with — biology and biotechnology. The Commission believes that all Americans—including policymakers in the U.S. Government, students at all levels of education, current and future biotechnology workers, and the broader public—should […]

AIxBio White Paper 4: Policy Options for AIxBio

AIxBio White Paper 4: Policy Options for AIxBio To enable the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology (AIxBio), policymakers could consider mechanisms that promote innovation while encouraging responsible development and continually assessing future risk. AI models are already transforming the way we use biology to produce pharmaceuticals, food, energy, and chemicals. The rapid advancement […]

AIxBio White Paper 3: Risks of AIxBio

AIxBio White Paper 3: Risks of AIxBio Policymakers should carefully consider the nuances of the risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) models that interact with biotechnology (AIxBio) when considering oversight mechanisms, like regulation, in order to promote safe and secure innovation without stifling advancement of the technology. This white paper provides a current snapshot of […]